The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a period of faith formation that prepares participants to be received into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. Formation also includes Catholics who are seeking Confirmation.
This year due to the Coronavirus, reception into the Church was postponed until Sunday, July 19 th with a special Mass for the candidates and their families. Six adults from other faith denominations were welcomed with full reception into the Catholic Church. There were another five adults who were Confirmed.
Please welcome the following new Catholics!
Mark Piscitelli
Roshell Butts Jr
Imelda Perez Bravo
Cortni Little
Carla Sussman
Bradey Black
Congratulations to the following adults who were Confirmed!
Maria Bautista Lorenzo
Roberto Walfer Lopez Perez
Chelsea Scrivani
Joseph Pasquarella
Lauren Bubek
Congratulations to the following high school students who were Confirmed!
Jesenia Rivera
Alfredo Salazar