Our Father's Day Novena Masses consist of 9 consecutive days of Masses for the intention of our fathers, living or deceased.
On teh outside of the envelope are printed lines for you to write down the names of the fathers you would like remembered in our Novena Masses. They can be your biological father, husband, step-father, Godfather, etc. There are more lines on the back of the envelope too.
After writing their name, please insert your dontaion for the Masses is the envelope and place it in the offertory basket or drop it off at the church office no later than Friday, June 12th, as our Novena Masses begin on Saturday, June 13th.
A novena means nine consecutive days of public or private prayer for some psecial occasion or intention. Its origin goes back to the nine days that the disciples and Mary spent together in prayer between Ascension and Pentecost Sunday.
To make a novena means to persevere in prayer, asking for some favor over a period of nine days in succession or nine weeks in succession. It means fulfilling our Lord's teaching that we must continue praying and never lose confidence. This confidence is based on our Lord's words:
Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For whoever asks receives; whoever seeks finds; whoever knocks is admitted. (Lk 11:9-10);